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Lunch Club

The Lunch Club at Alton Methodist Church has been running for over 25 years and is a popular place to meet and eat. It is held on the second Tuesday of the month, and the dates are listed in the calendar on this website.

We offer a two course freshly cooked meal, including a cup of tea at the end, for £4.00 per person, but that's not all! The Club also provides an opportunity to make new friends and to meet and share news while enjoying a good meal.

All ages are welcome, and at the moment we have a group of about 35 regular guests, both men and women. Most people choose to come along first to the Tuesday Coffee Morning in the church foyer – it takes place every Tuesday from 10 o'clock to midday – moving through to the hall for lunch, which is served promptly at 12.30pm.

Lunch club does not meet during the month of August.

If you would like to give us a try, please call Philip & Angela on 01420 83167. And if you're a "regular", why not bring a friend?

Contact Us
01420 82695

Alton Methodist Church
Draymans Way
Alton, Hants
GU34 1LG

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© 2015-2025 - Alton Methodist Church