Under the guidance of the minister, pastoral secretary and annual pastoral meeting we have a system in place of 'Church Family Visitors.'
We try to encourage everyone who is able and willing within the church family to watch over and look out for two or three people within our fellowship. They might telephone to see how they are, drop by for an arranged visit and generally seek to ensure that we are all caring for one another. Any special needs or circumstances can be referred to the minister with the persons permission so that additional support can be offered. We like to use natural friendship links as part of the process of allocating people to others. A Methodist Membership Card is also given annually by the 'Church Family Visitor' and also in more usual times the church newsletter may be delivered to those who may not otherwise receive it.
Here are the aims of Church Family Pastoral Care:
Walking alongside one another so that everybody within the Church family feels that they are loved and valued.
Developing friendships that can sustain us in times of joy, difficulty or sadness.
Offering spiritual as well as practical care; an acknowledgement that God is part of the relationship too.
Praying for and with one another.
Encouraging one another in faith and discipleship.
01420 82695
Alton Methodist Church
Draymans Way
Alton, Hants
GU34 1LG