Do you know that over a quarter of a million children are hearing and enjoying Bible stories through Open the Book? Wouldn't it be great if every child had the opportunity to hear the Word of God?
'Open the Book' is a national scheme for bringing Bible stories to primary children through teams of volunteers. The storytellers, using prepared scripts, present Bible stories in ways that are lively, engaging, informative ... and great fun for everyone involved! The sessions are short – just half an hour to cover assembly times. The GAP 'Open the Book' team now has two groups of volunteers taking Bible stories into 5 local schools; Andrews Endowed, The Butts, Alton Infants and Wootey Junior and Infant Schools. The team occasionally visits the GAP library club as well to present a Bible story.
A wonderful entry in a Thank You card, received from the children of Andrews Endowed, said... 'Thank you for your acting and your courage'...
New volunteers are always welcome to join one of the teams taking Open the Book into primary school assemblies. If you would like to know more, have a look at the Open the Book website - or have a chat with one of our team leaders ...
Pam Jones or Judy Nicholls
01420 82695
Alton Methodist Church
Draymans Way
Alton, Hants
GU34 1LG